Nuts for Fertile Nuts
I treat at least a couple of ‘infertility’ cases per day in the clinic using both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to improve physiological health and thus increase success rates
Ancient Wisdom Treats Modern Diseases
I treat at least a couple of ‘infertility’ cases per day in the clinic using both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to improve physiological health and thus increase success rates
There have been many publications recently on the benefit of Chinese Herbal medicine for Covid which doesn’t surprise any of us herbalists. We have all seen clinically how Chinese Herbal
A recent study I saw on the Harvard Medical School website gave some kudos to the immune modulating effect of acupuncture and how it can quiet a cytokine storm in
Traditionally practiced Chinese Medicine with diagnostic differentiation has been used for millennia to treat many of the same diseases we see today. it is frustrating to me that Chinese Medicine
A meta-analysis of previously published acupuncture research articles has concluded that acupuncture is effective for a number of chronic pain conditions. The new meta-analysis incorporated data from 20,827 patients over
*Results may vary from individual to individual