Ancient Wisdom Treats Modern Diseases

TeleConsults for Nutrition or Herbs

During the COVID-19 Physical Distancing outbreak I will be offering Video Tele medicine consults at a reduce cost. Perhaps this time of Physical Distancing allow you time to cook which you never had before.  Or you are strugglng with digestive issues that will not go away.  This would be a good time to telecnsult with me.

Costs for sessions:

Out of pocket:  Nutrition or Herbal consults are prorated at $85/hr. (reduced from normal $150/hr).

Insurance: BCBS PPO and Cigna insurances that cover nutrition can be billed directly.  BCBS HMO requires a PCPs referral.

Front line professions such as EMT, Paramedics, Physicians, Nurses COVID-19 herbal consults are free.

Medical Savings accounts – HSA/FSA etc can be used for payments.


Use the contact form below or call 617-913-5970 to schedule an appointment.

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